Control of an industrial copper solvent extraction process core. The table presents the location by the name and the latitude and longitude of the facilities, the majority owner or operating company, the status of operation as of 2002, the capacity in thousand metric tons of copper product, and the type of process used by copper smelters and solvent extraction electrowinning facilities. Heap leaching of oxide copper ores and cathode copper recovery by solvent extraction sx and elec trowinning ew has been well. Both metals were taken in their sulfate form and ratio of copper to nickel in feed solutions was maintained as 10. Basf produces a complete line of copper solvent extraction reagents, including ketoximes, aldoximes, nonmodified blends and modified blends of ketoximes. Niobium, tantalum, columbite, tantalite, solvent extractant and solvent extraction. Copper cobalt africa, incorporating the 8thsouthern african base metals conference livingstone, zambia, 68 july 2015 southern african institute of mining and metallurgy 257. Copper recovery using leachsolvent extractionelectrowinning technology.
Dissolution of copper from ore in sulfuric acid solvent, collection of solvent for cementation or solvent extraction remove copper from pregnant ieachate and remove some impurities remove copper from pregnantieachate and produce an electrolyte with sufficient copper content foreiectrowinning recover copper from the loaded electrolyte. Solvent extraction of copper from chloride solution i. This wellestablished, remarkable hydrometallurgical achievement fills an important role in our technical ability to extract copper in an efficient and costeffective way. Introduction the most important operation in hydrometallurgy is leaching of properly prepared. The oxidized ores, consisting of the silicates, carbonates and sulfates, are treated by several methods, all involving some form of leaching of the crushed ore with sulfuric acid to produce impure solutions of copper sulfate. Copper solvent extraction was originally developed in the 1960s to. Solvent extraction acts as a purification and concentration technique at the same time. Separation of copper and nickel by solvent extraction using. Download pdf extractive metallurgy of copper free online.
Copper can be extracted from nonsulphide ores by a different process involving three separate stages. In this paper, the current status of the modeling, simulation and control of the copper leaching, solventextraction and electrowinning process. Copper leaching, solvent extraction, and electrowinning. Selective separation of copper and nickel by solvent. Kordosky synopsis the concept of selectively extracting copper from a lowgrade dump leach solution followed by stripping the copper into an acid solution from which electrowon copper cathodes could. With innovative products, global field support and industry leading technical expertise, basf mining solutions provides sustainable solutions which increase productivity, recovery and flexibility throughout the mining operations including leaching, solvent extraction, flotation, solidliquid separation and tailings management. Separation of copper and nickel by liquidliquid extraction from aqueous solutions was studied using lix 664n in kerosene as solvent. Solvent extraction, consists of transferring one or more solute s contained in a feed solution to another immiscible liquid solvent. Development group of general mills in 1960 solvent extraction had. For the love of physics walter lewin may 16, 2011 duration.
Purification of nickel by solvent extraction article pdf available in solvent extraction and ion exchange 15. Extraction of copper at elevated feed concentrations sgs. Basfs broad range includes aldoxime and ketoxime extractants and incorporates blends formulated to specific customer needs operational challenges. Hence in this study experiments on separation of copper and nickel by solvent extraction have been performed using a modified aldoxime lix 664n as the extractant. Concentration of the copper ii sulphate solution by solvent extraction. Design of copper solvent extraction configurations, book. Students are tasked to prepare a salicylaldoxime ligand and samples of the corresponding copper and nickel complexes, before performing test extractions and uvvis spectroscopic analysis. Solvent extraction applied to the recovery of heavy metals. Solvent extraction sx of copper ii from ammonia solutions proceeds similarly to that from acidic solutions, but complexation of metal m by ammonia ligands must be considered.
Recent advances in liquidliquid extraction focuses on the applications of liquid extraction. Trends covered are fiberreinforced plastic construction mixer box and settler designs, reverse flow settlers, and advanced mixer design. This volume recognizes the growing role of solvent extraction and electrowinning technology in the world copper business. Lix solvent extractants are recognized throughout the copper industry as the go to reagent for copper recovery. The solvent should not be toxic or corrosive as it can harm the extraction instruments. Solvent extraction is a frequently used technology in hydrometallurgy.
Solvent extraction and electrowinning sxew is a twostage hydrometallurgical process that first extracts and upgrades copper ions from lowgrade leach solutions into a solvent containing a chemical that selectively reacts with and binds the copper in the solvent. Such conditions require the application of suitably strong and selective reagent to extract copper in sx operations. Liquid liquid extraction download ebook pdf, epub, tuebl, mobi. It is found that the extraction of both the metals remained the same over the range of ph studied. Copper recovery using leach solvent extraction electrowinning technology. The techniques for extraction of copper from oxidized ores are quite different from those employed for the sulfide ores. Download extractive metallurgy of copper ebook pdf or read. Copper can be extracted from nonsulfide ores by a different process involving three separate stages. Pdf this paper is the final report on design and optimization of copper solvent extraction configurations. Liquidliquid extraction, mostly used in analysis, is a technique in which a solution is brought into contact with a second solvent.
Status, operating practices and challenges in the african copper belt. About 30% of the worlds copper is produced by acid leaching, solvent extraction sx, and electrowinning cox, 2004. Solvent extraction is a wellestablished technique for the removal and separation of various metal ions. Solvent extraction of copper experiment oresome resources.
A process monitoring system for copper solvent extraction. Reaction of the ore over quite a long time and on a huge scale with a dilute acid such as dilute sulphuric acid to produce a very dilute copper ii sulphate solution. The concentration of ore is required and it is done by the froth flotation method. The influence of this parameter on the co extraction of copper and nickel was studied over the ph range of 7 to 9, by using equal volume of the aqueous and organic phase 10% vv lix 984n, equilibrated for 20 min at room temperature. This is a pdf file of an unedited manuscript that has been accepted for publication. In addition, acid consumption in the cementation process exceeds that in solvent extraction electrowinning by about 1. The commonest ore used in the extraction of copper is chalcopyrite cufes 2 also known as copper pyrites and other such sulfides. The solvent extraction process for copper recovery involves simultaneous cuprous oxidation and cupric solvent extraction. This study reports on a viable wet method for extraction of copper from their respective ores, using hydrazones prepared in situ from chicken dung leached solution. Maccabe thiele method was introduced in design of copper solvent extraction configuration when copper solvent extraction technology started to be used for highgrade copper ore. The transfer of copper from a cui chloride solution to a cuii sulfate solution requires extraction with a hydroxyoxime extractant as is used normally in the processing of sulfatebased copper leach solution. Pdf design and optimization of copper solvent extraction. Extraction metallurgy download ebook pdf, epub, tuebl, mobi. Copper recovery using leachsolvent extractionelectrowinning.
The percentage of copper in the actual ore is too low for direct extraction of copper to be viable. Students use solvent extraction to isolate and concentrate a solute. Copper extraction refers to the methods used to obtain copper from its ores. Copper solvent extraction sx was originally envisaged only as a way to recover copper. Other factors important during solvent selection are viscosity, boiling point, flammability, etc.
Copper recovery by solvent extraction has progressed from a technology with limited application for copper recovery from dilute sulfuric acid leach solution to a technology with broad application for copper recovery from a variety of leach solutions. Although the first largescale application of copper recovery by solvent extraction took. Liquidliquid extraction and separation of copperii and. Design of this 2ex1s configuration was based on the expected value of copper extraction efficiency of 90%. Solvent extraction experiments were carried out in two stages. The journal of the south african institute of mining and metallurgy, 102, 445450. The problems related to the separation of undesirable and toxic metals are also discussed. The international copper study group estimates that 16% of the refined copper production from ores in 2006 used sxew. The book also discusses the significance of each process, along with the concerns in each process, such as pollution, energy demand, and cost. Here the copper is extracted away from the aqueous phase leaving behind most of the impurities that were in the leach solution. Separation of copper and nickel by solvent extraction. How hydrometallurgy and the sxew process made copper the. It is a liquidliquid extraction process used to purify and concentrate solutions obtained from the leaching of ores. Students construct graphs to represent data and analyse them for trends and patterns.
Pdf solvent extraction of copperii from concentrated leach liquors. Hydroxyoximes are wellknown extractants which are widely used for copper extraction from dilute acidic. This proceedings documents the present status of the sxew business. Copper recovery using leachsolvent extraction electrowinning technology. Hydrometallurgical oxidized minerals, copper sulfide chalcocite hydrometallurgical extraction of copper leaching heap, preceded by. Reagent improvements have led the way, but they have been accompanied by innovations in leaching and improvements in electrowinning. For cement copper production freight and smelting charges alone usually exceed this figure.
Concentration of the copper ii sulfate solution by solvent extraction. Even though a large number of molecules with a wide variety of extractive functionalities have been proposed as extractants to be used for the recovery of copper from sulfuric acid leach solutions, only the hydroxy oximes have been used in commercial copper sxew plants. What is solvent extraction and why is it important. The conversion of copper consists of a series of physical and electrochemical processes. A high copper nickel ratio on the copper loaded organic is obtained by using an extra extraction stage in which copper crowds nickel from the loaded organic, i. Our range of solvent extraction reagents are produced at our state of art facility. Solvent extraction and electrowining from copper leaching. Concerns include organic and inorganic separations, mass transfer process, solvent extraction economics, and coalescence in liquidliquid systems. Condition under which the reaction or the extraction process takes place also affects the separation. Extractive metallurgy of copper details the process of extracting copper from its ore. Methods have evolved and vary with country depending on the ore source, local environmental regulations, and other factors. Extraction of copper mining, concentration, smelting. Reaction of the ore over quite a long time and on a huge scale with a dilute acid such as dilute sulfuric acid to produce a very dilute copper ii sulfate solution. When the sulphuric acid copper lsxew flow sheet figure 1 was put forth by the minerals.
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